File List
The user-created folders and uploaded files are displayed in a table format.
Each column in the table can be sorted in ascending or descending order.
Default order: 'Modified Date' column in descending order (recent items are shown first)
Table column descriptions
Name: 'Icon + folder/file name'.
Icon descriptions
: Folder
: Supported drawing files that can be opened from CADian Web Viewer (dwg, dwt, dws, dxf, dwf, dgn, ifc, rvt)
: Other files not supported by the Web Viewer (jpg, png, pdf, etc.)
Modified Date: Displays the date and time the item was last updated.
- Actions that are recognized as updates: upload, copy, (when dwg edit features are available in the future) edit drawing files
- Actions that are not recognized as updates: rename, move
Format: Displays the file extension. The format of folders is left empty.
Size: Displays the size of the file. The size of folders is left empty.
Display of the file path (breadcrumb)
The path of the current file is displayed at the top of My Drive page in a breadcrumb style.
root path: My Drive
When you create a folder, you are immediately sent inside the folder.
Your current location is bolded, and you can click each of the parent folders to navigate.
If current folder has a parent folder, you can navigate to it by clicking the
button under the breadcrumb. If you are in the root path, the click is disabled.