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File List

The user-created folders and uploaded files are displayed in a table format.

Each column in the table can be sorted in ascending or descending order.

Default order: 'Modified Date' column in descending order (recent items are shown first)

Table column descriptions

  • Name: 'Icon + folder/file name'.

    Icon descriptions

    • img : Folder

    • img : Supported drawing files that can be opened from CADian Web Viewer (dwg, dwt, dws, dxf, dwf, dgn, ifc, rvt)

    • img : Other files not supported by the Web Viewer (jpg, png, pdf, etc.)

  • Modified Date: Displays the date and time the item was last updated.

    • Actions that are recognized as updates: upload, copy, (when dwg edit features are available in the future) edit drawing files
    • Actions that are not recognized as updates: rename, move
  • Format: Displays the file extension. The format of folders is left empty.

  • Size: Displays the size of the file. The size of folders is left empty.

Display of the file path (breadcrumb)

  • The path of the current file is displayed at the top of My Drive page in a breadcrumb style.

  • root path: My Drive

  • When you create a folder, you are immediately sent inside the folder.

  • Your current location is bolded, and you can click each of the parent folders to navigate.

    Example: img

  • If current folder has a parent folder, you can navigate to it by clicking the img button under the breadcrumb. If you are in the root path, the click is disabled.