Authorize CADian Trial Version to Registered Product
If your 30-day free trial has not yet expired, you can change the license within the CADian application.
Run CADian and click on Help > CADian License Information. -
If the CADian trial has already expired, you will not be able to run the application.
In this case, open Windows File Explorer and navigate to C:\CADian\CADian xxxx (version) folder. -
Press keyboard Ctrl + F to search for the CADianSvp file, then double-click CADianSvp.exe to run it.
From CADian License Information dialog, delete TEST from the Serial Number input field.
Then, enter your serial number correctly and click the OK button.※ Make sure you do not confuse the number (0, 1) and alphabet (O, I).
After closing and restarting CADian application, the Authority registration process will begin.
Click the Next button to proceed with online registration. Once completed, CADian will launch automatically.
Click here to see the step-by-step instructions for registering the Authority Code.