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Register Product

After purchasing a CADian product, you can register the Serial Number as follows.
This page explains how to register manually when the internet access is unavailable or limited.
For online registration, please refer to this guide.

How to Register a Product Manually

  1. Enter the product Serial Number in the Authority registration for CADian dialog.

  2. Select Manual Registration (Offline Mode) and click the Next button.

    Product Serial Number input screen

  3. Copy the Interim Code.

    Copy Interim Code screen

  4. On an internet-connected device, such as a smartphone or another computer, visit the CADian website:

  5. Click the Login button at the top to log in to your account.

  6. Click on the profile image in the upper right corner to access the My Page menu.

  7. Navigate to the Products page from the left menu.

  8. Paste the copied Interim Code into the designated field and click the REGISTER button.

  9. You will see the Authority Code in the output field.

    Authority Code issuance screen

  10. Click the COPY CODE button to copy it to your clipboard.

  11. Return to the Authority registration for CADian dialog, paste the Authority Code, and click the Next button.

    Paste Authority Code screen

  12. If the Serial Number, Interim Code, and Authority Code are all validated successfully, the product registration will be completed.

    Product registration completed screen