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Email Subscription Settings (Newsletter)

Email subscription settings are optional.
If you agree to receive emails, you can receive useful information such as monthly newsletters, product recommendations, and promotional events.

How to change your Email Subscription Settings

  1. Sign in to the CADian web service.

  2. Click on the profile image in the upper right corner to access the My Page menu.

  3. Navigate to the Settings page > Email Subscription section > Marketing Consent field

  4. Click the toggle button.

    • img : Agree to receive emails
    • img : Opt-out of receiving emails
  5. If you wish to unsubscribe the monthly newsletter, please disable the toggle button for the Marketing Consent field.

Note: The following will still be sent by email even if you opt-out of receiving marketing emails:
- All account-related matters such as account registration, product purchases, and registrations
- Updates to terms of service or privacy policy