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Name is the real name of the user, consisting of the first and last name entered during registration.
It is a required field and cannot be left blank.

How to change your Name

※ Changing the name is recommended only when your legal name has changed.

  1. Sign in to the CADian web service.

  2. Click on the profile image in the upper right corner to access the My Page menu.

  3. Navigate to the Account page > User Details section > Name field

  4. Click the edit button at the far right of your name.

  5. In the name settings modal, enter your last name (family name) and first name (given name). Please make sure you use your real name.

    Allowed Special Characters

    • Period (.)
    • Hyphen (-)
    • Underscore (_)
    • Space

    Invalid input for user name

  6. Click the SAVE button to update your name.