User Phone
User Phone is an optional field.
However, it is one of the methods to find your account when you forgot it, so we highly recommend you to register your phone number.
How to change your User Phone
Sign in to the CADian web service.
Click on the profile image in the upper right corner to access the My Page menu.
Navigate to the Account page > User Details section > User Phone field
Click the edit button at the far right of your User Phone.
When the User Phone settings modal opens, first select the country code.
(Country code list is sorted in alphabetical order by country name)
Enter the mobile phone number where you can receive a verification code. (Enter only numbers, without hyphens or spaces)
Click the NEXT button, and a 6-digit verification code will be sent to the entered number.
Enter the verification code received via SMS and click the CONFIRM button to register the User Phone.
To remove your registered User Phone, click the DELETE button in the User Phone settings modal. However, it is recommended not to delete it, as it may make it difficult to find your account.
Failure Cases
The verification code does not match.
This error message is shown when you enter an incorrect verification code.
Please check the Message again and enter the verification code correctly. -
The verification code has already expired.
This error message is shown when you enter the verification code after the restricted time (3 minutes).
You can click the RESEND button to receive a new verification code.